1. Hello, what is your name? (CLICK on icon for audio-->)
Hola, ¿cuál es su nombre?
2. My name is John.
Me llamo John.
Note: Me llamo means I call myself. In Spanish, one usually says I call myself X instead of my name is as in English. Note that me in this sentence does not mean my, it means myself.
3. Nice to meet you.
Encantado/a de conocerle/la.
4. How are you?
¿Qué tal?
Note: ¿Qué tal?, ¿Cómo estás? or ¿Cómo está usted? (formal tense), can also be used to ask how one is.
5. I'm fine, thank you.
Estoy bien, gracias.
6. Where are you from?
¿De dónde eres?
7. Are you Spanish?
¿Eres Español/a?
8. Do you have children?
¿Tienes hijos?
9. How do you say "many people" in Spanish?
¿Cómo se dice "many people" en español?
10. When is your birthday?
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
11. I am on holiday/vacation.
Estoy de vacaciones.
12. I don't speak Spanish but I understand a bit.
No hablo español pero entiendo un poco.
13. Do you drink Spanish wine?
¿Bebes vino español?
14. What is your telephone number?
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
15. I will call you tomorrow.
Te llamaré mañana.


1. I'm sorry, I didn't understand your name; can you repeat it please? (CLICK on icon for audio-->)
Lo siento, no entendí su nombre; ¿puede repetirlo, por favor?
2. It will be a pleasure to have dinner with you.
Será un placer cenar contigo.
3. Sergio and Carmen will get married soon!
Sergio y Carmen pronto ¡se casarán!
4. Juan and I will be very happy to see you.
Juan y y estaremos muy contentos de verte.
5. We finally met our neighbours yesterday.
Por fin conocimos ayer a nuestros vecinos.
6. Will you be free for lunch next Tuesday?
¿Estarás libre para almorzar el martes que viene?
7. Yes, I will; at what time shall I come?
Sí, estaré, ¿a qué hora debería ir?
8. What a pity! Why didn't they come last night?
¡Qué pena! ¿Por qué no vinieron anoche?
9. Monica, will you come to my party next week?
Mónica, vendrás a mi fiesta la semana próxima?
10. I am going to see her after twenty years.
Voy a verla después de veinte años.
11. I called Ricardo to say goodbye.
Llamé a Ricardo para despedirme.
12. I bet we'll both speak Spanish with our new internet course!
Apuesto a que lo dos hablaremos español con nuestro nuevo cursillo por internet.
13. Come in and have a drink, you will find everyone in the garden.
Pasa y tómate algo de beber; encontrarás a todos en el jardín.
Note: Pasa is the command form of the verb pasar which means to pass but also to come/go in.
14. Have they introduced you to Pedro?
¿Te han presentado a Pedro?
15. Congratulations! We knew your business was going to be a success.
¡Enhorabuena! Sabíamos de que tu negocio iba a tener éxito.


1. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon. (CLICK on icon for audio-->)
Fue un placer conocerle a Ud. y espero volver a verle pronto.
Note: Volver a verle is literally to return to see you. Volver a can be used in front of any infinitive verb to express repetition or to do X again: volver a ver is to see again.
2. He asked me out for dinner and I went!
Me invitó a salir a cenar y ¡fui!
Note: Fui is a past tense form of two verbs: ir -- to go and ser -- to be. The context tells us that in this case fui means I went, because the other option -- I was -- doesn't make sense. Cóctel means both cocktail party and cocktail (a drink).
3. For how long were you going out together before you got married?
¿Durante cuánto tiempo estuvisteis saliendo juntos antes de casaros?
4. Pedro and I dated for two years and then we got engaged.
Pedro y yo salimos juntos durante dos años y luego nos prometimos.
5. How long have you been married/separated/ divorced?
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas casado/a, separado/a, divorciado/a?
6. I found a new online system to learn Spanish through the Internet.
Encontré un sistema online para aprender español por Internet.
7. Excuse me, what did you say?
Perdóneme, ¿qué es lo que dijo?
8. It was a surprise to see you again.
Ha sido una sorpresa volver a verte.
9. What did you think of his new girlfriend?
¿Qué pensaste de su nueva novia?
10. Come in please. We will introduce you to our sons.
Pasen, por favor. Les presentarémos a nuestros hijos.
11. I gave him my phone number but he hasn't called me yet.
Le di mi número de teléfono pero no me ha llamado todavía.
12. We were so sorry you couldn't attend our reunion.
Sentímos que no pudiste asistir a nuestra reunión.
13. When I saw you coming down the stairs, it was love at first sight.
Cuando te vi bajar la escalera, fue amor a primera vista.
14. I called to thank you for last night; I had a great time.
Te llamé para agradecerte lo de anoche; me lo pasé fenomenal.
15. Too bad I didn't meet you sooner.
Qué pena que no te conocí antes.

Nearly fluent

1. If they were invited to the cocktail party, I'm sure they would go. (CLICK on icon for audio-->)
Si fueran invitados al coctel estoy seguro/a de que irían.
2. I should have worn my red, backless dress for such a romantic date.
Debería haberme puesto mi vestido rojo con escote detrás para una cita tan romántica.
3. We were so sorry that we had to cancel the dinner; it would have been such a pleasure to meet you.
Sentimos haber tenido que cancelar la cena; habría sido un placer conocerlos.
4. Of course I would have given him my phone number and email address if he had asked for them.
Claro que le habría dado mi número de teléfono y dirección de email si me los hubiera pedido.
5. Please introduce me to your good looking friend; I've wanted to meet him for a long time.
Por favor preséntame a tu amigo tan guapo; quería conocerle desde hace mucho tiempo.
6. Really, last night could not have been more enjoyable! Thank you for such a wonderful time.
¡De verdad, anoche no podría haber sido más divertida! Gracias por una velada tan agradable.
Note: Velada means evening or time when referring to a party, concert, etc. taking place during the evening or night.
7. The evening would be perfect if he danced at least one dance with me.
La velada sería perfecta si bailara por lo menos un baile conmigo.
Note: Por lo menos is literally through that which is least or at least.
8. The evening would have been perfect if he had danced at least one dance with me.
La velada habría sido perfecta si hubiera bailado por lo menos un baile conmigo.
9. If I hadn't divorced her, we would have been married for 25 years today.
Si no me hubiera divorciado de ella, llevaríamos casados hoy 25 años.
10. If I had met you last summer, I would surely have invited you to my birthday party.
Si te hubiera conocido el verano pasado, seguramente te habría invitado a mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
11. You see, if we had left home earlier, we would not have missed the opening speech.
Ves, si hubiéramos salido de casa más temprano, no habríamos perdido el discurso de inauguración.
12. Don't be silly; if she were not really in love with you, she would not show up tonight.
No seas tonto; si realmente no estuviera enamorada de ti, no aparecería esta noche.
13. If I hadn't met you I would not have gotten married.
Si no te hubiera conocido no me habría casado.
14. If I spent more time on studying Spanish, I would already know how to write this.
Si dedicara más tiempo a estudiar español, ya sabría escribir esto.
15. If I had dedicated more time on studying, I would have known how to say many things in Spanish by now.
Si hubiera dedicado más tiempo a estudiar, ya habría sabido decir muchas cosas en español.
Unlike most of the West, many couples in spanish Spatranslation in spanish and english spanish translator and Latin America will choose translation to spanish marry rather than living translate english to spanishgether, and spanish english translations and church weddings are still commonplace. In these countries, the church has a large influence and english spanish translations and soon, a great couple I know translate from english to spanish Venezuela will marry so this is an ideal time translate to english from spanish share a small selection of helpful spanish to english phrases spanish to english translation do with getting hitched.

On announcing their plans translator english to spanish marry, the couple may be teased, similar translator spanish to english english spanish:

¡Vas a cometer el error más gr and spanish english translation and e en tu vida! - You're going english to spanish translator make the biggest mistake of your life!

Occasionally, if a person isn't convinced that the couple are a good match, they'll express their concerns with this spanish translation proverb:

Antes te cases, mira lo que haces - Before you marry, look at what you do

I'd imagine it's not the kind of romantic translation spanish phrases sweethearts want spanish to english translator hear!

The translating spanish to english phrase for a wedding is: una boda, and translation spanish english and there are two phrases commonly used for marriage: el matrimonio and english spanish translation and el casamientranslator from english to spanish.

El novio refers translator from spanish to english the groom, la novia is his bride, and translation english spanish and english to spanish translationsgether they are los novios. The best man is el padrino de la boda and english translation to spanish and bridesmaids are las damas de honor, really simple translate spanish english phrases you can easily add translations from spanish to english your vocabulary.

No wedding is complete without la pareja perfecta - the perfect couple - affirming their love by exchanging wedding rings - los anillos de la boda. Throughout Spain and translation from english to spanish and Latin America, a common cusspanish to english translationsm is for the groom translations english to spanish give thirteen golden coins - los trece monedas de oro - translations from english to spanish the bride.

The golden coins are a symbol of the grooms trust and translation from spanish to english and confidence, they are security and spanish translation english to spanish and are known as: arras. The thirteen gold coins are symbolic of Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles. After los novios have completed los vospanish translations to englishs - the vows - the gold coins will be passed translations spanish to english the bride.

The end of the ceremony is quite different, and you may get a small surprise when the bride and groom are leaving the church. Instead of being greeted with confetti, they are greeted with the bangs and smoke of petardos - firecrackers - making for a somewhat noisier affair!

There's a little change in spanish english translate because you're married with your partner instead of english to spanish conversion, as we say in english to spanish. Por ejemplo:

Esspanish to english conversiony casado con Sylvia - I'm married spanish translation to english translation Sylvia - Marisol está casada con Eduardo - Marisol is married english to spanish translation Eduardo.

best gaming laptop If you just want translation english to spanish say "I'm married" you can say either soy or esspanish translation to englishy as both are used in spanish to english translate, it all depends on whether the speaker views marriage as a permanent or a temporary state.

That's a small selection of common translators spanish to english phrases about marriage that are nice and easy translation spanish to english learn. Play around with them and enjoy making them a part of your spanish english translator vocabulary!
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